Lyrics, 歌词, composed and arranged by Loong Chet-Yeng. 龙籍莹
中国是因新冠肺炎 (COVID-19) 疫情而最后一个开放的国家。尽管许多人认为生活很快就会恢复正常,但这在中国或其他亚洲国家并没有发生。在新冠肺炎 (COVID-19) 疫情期间,许多年轻人失去了工作,而且无法找到新工作。并·出现了“躺平”这个术语。
年轻一代失去战斗力,没有去寻找工作。这一代人甚至拒绝结婚,拒绝生孩子,甚至拒绝存钱买房;他们想享受此时此刻的生活。未来对他们来说似乎太遥远了。除了中国之外,这种态度在日本、韩国和其他亚洲国家也很普遍(韩国:포 세대、日本:ニート、新加坡:BBFA、印度尼西亚:generasi rebahan;菲律宾:tambay) (NIKO,n.d.)。
今年,尽管乌云缭绕,我们仍希望木龙面朝东方,带来希望。今年是木龙年,象征着成长。龙是聪明、适应性强的象征。当卧在地上时,它会储藏能量。一旦有机会,它就会跃向天空。希望这个木龙年能给年轻一代生活带来希望,振奋,乐观的动力 !!!
China was the last country to open its doors due to COVID-19. Even though many people assumed lives would soon return to normal, this has not happened in China or in other Asian countries. During COVID-19 many young people lost their jobs and haven’t been able to find new ones. A term 躺平:lie flat has emerged. It means that the younger generation lies flat and is not motivated to seek employment or to work hard for anything. This generation even refuses to get married, to have children, or even to save money to buy a place to live; they want to enjoy their lives at this moment. The future seems too far for them to consider. In addition to China, this attitude is also prevalent in Japan, Korea, and other Asian countries (Korea: 포 세대 , Japan: ニート, Singapore: BBFA, Indonesia: generasi rebahan; the Philippines: tambay) (NIKO, n.d.).
This coming year is the Wooden Dragon Year featuring these five elements: water, wood, earth, metal, fire. The element, wood, symbolizes growth.
This year, we hope the wooden dragon will face east to bring hope even though the clouds have lingered in the sky. The dragon is an intelligent and adaptable creature. When crouching on the ground, it restores energy. Once there is a chance, it will leap up the sky. Hopefully, this wooden year will bring hope to raise the younger generation's spirits and bring optimism to their lives.